Introduction of Geometric Design Studio

Summary: Introduction of Geometric Design Studio: Message from the representative, Business content, contact information

Message from the representative

I am Kenzo Nakamura, a geometric designer. Based on the creation of the geometric design by the devised polygon overlapping method, we are designing Math art and geometric quilt. Also, based on my experience using the Seiren PR sheet, I am wondering if I can create a textile (fabric) that can be freely designed to leave memories of everyone.

Business content

Making freely designed textiles

Freely designed textile (width 2m, length 10m.Compatible with various materials).See the Seiren P.R sheet for details.

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As a concrete example, why not turn your memories into a quilt!Please see the following for details!

Geometric design: Development and creation of various geometric designs

 Creation and sales of Math art tapestry.Please see the following for details.

Writing, etc.

Books, etc.


  • Quilt Japan magazine series “Design of quilts from the perspective of geometry” April 2018 to January 2020 
  • France Magic Patch magazine December 2018 issue
  • And many others.

You can read the series of Quilt Japan magazine at:

Writing assistance for Magazine article

We will also assist in creating articles for your quilt creation articles.Please feel free to contact us using the contact information below.

contact information

mail address:

Alternatively, please contact us from the comment section below.

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